September 13, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

Teaching True Meaning of Patriotism

Date: 24/08/2024 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

They Should Learn through Daily Life

In December, Juche 107 (2018), the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Wonsan Leather Shoes Factory for the fifth time.

He underlined the need to increase the ratio of localization of raw and other materials for light industry and then referred to the matter of supplying schoolchildren with necessities of our own making.

He said that we had to provide children with schoolbags, uniforms, shoes and other school things to ensure that they learn that our country is best through daily life, not in mere words, and, in this process, feel deep in their hearts that the things of our country are the best and the most precious.

By doing so, we had to implant patriotism in their minds from childhood, he stressed.

His teachings touched the heartstrings of the officials.

His words bore a noble meaning that localization is not a simple matter for the country’s economic development but a very significant one related to the national self-respect and patriotism.

He went on saying that education and public health are like the face of the socialist system and that he pays constant attention to satisfying the schoolchildren’s needs on our own, and emphasized that we had to solve the problem of schoolbags, uniforms, shoes and other school things by ourselves at any cost.

His words meant that the home production of light-industry products is one of the main links in inspiring the rising generation with patriotism by supplying them with things which are ours in the true sense of the word made by our raw and other materials.

That day, the officials made up their minds to hold up high the banner of self-reliance and thus make theirs a factory providing our people and children with shoes of the best quality made with our own raw and other materials.

One Should Not Become a Shooting Star

The following happened one day in November, Juche 108 (2019), when the respected General Secretary was giving a field guidance at the Yangdok Hot Spring Resort under construction.

He, who was making rounds of the construction site accompanied by officials, stopped at the apparatus loan hall at the entrance of the skiing ground.

Displayed there were quality finishing building materials like various kinds of sanitary ware and tiles which were made by our efforts, technology and raw materials.

Feasting his eyes on them, the respected General Secretary said gladly that there were also spillway tiles for swimming pools.

Presently, he, with a friendly look on his face, said to the official of the factory which made those products that they did a great job at the factory and that, trivial as it seemed, it was a big achievement indeed.

The official felt excited at the high appraisal of his.

That day, he said that one should put one’s achievement made in one’s lifetime on the world level and steadily develop it through generations to keep the tradition. Only then, the country could benefit from it generation after generation and the economic life of the country could ever prosper, he noted.

Then, he said with a deep meaning that one should not become a shooting star which flashes for an instant and disappears the next moment.

These words warmed the hearts of the accompanying officials.

The precious teachings of the respected General Secretary echoed in their hearts, teaching them true meaning of patriotism.

One should not become a shooting star!

Rodong Sinmun

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